Hello everyone !

So this is our entry for Ludum Dare 50. To be honest, I had a rough time trying to finish, and didn't really finish in time. But, for all the people who worked on this game, it would be unfair to just throw all their work away. So, we decided to publish this unfinished draft, and to ask to be judged on what the software is after the 72h jam. Our idea was too ambitious to be done in 72h, but we are proud of what we accomplished nontheless.

So, our base idea was that you would have to build a colony on a post nuclear-war setting, fighting to survive the radiations. When you die, you let all your buildings and resources on place. You then respawn as a new person, who will have to continue what the previous colon did.

Most of these ideas aren't in the final game.  You can walk around in the map, and spawn what is supposed to be plans for building things. 

I would like to thank each of the person who worked on this game with me, as they are truly wonderful people :

Fammy, our compositor since the first jam. She do wonders to accompagy our ideas with her music.

Asura and Entrope, who made all the graphics assets, and managed to have something cohesive at the end.

Shae and Bandithony who coded almost all the game by themselves.

Anton, who always give the best of him. Without him, truly our games wouldn't have been the same.

And Tibseydon, who proved himself to be the greatest team manager I've ever worked with.

Thank you all,


Linux 82 MB
Windows 81 MB
ycar.zip 94 MB

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